Sunday, July 29, 2007


The usual Western view is that the butterfly is a carefree creature. But the Dalai Lama explains that, rather than carefree, it is uncaring:

"The butterfly never meets its mother. It must survive independently and remains a stranger to affection. An animal nurtured by mother's milk, however, is dependent on another for its basic survival. A child who grows up in a cold and detached home environment is similar to the butterfly, in that kindness is sparing. Once an adult, it will be very difficult for that person to show compassion."

When people are learning to experience the true nature of the mind by means of actual observation, which is the usual meaning of the term, meditation, they can have difficulty with concentration, getting frustrated or discouraged. To help with this, they are sometimes told to imitate the example of a butterfly. It sits for a time on the flower, but then flits away. It returns again and again, but always with grace.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Who can forgive you when you cannot forgive yourself?

Quotable Thoughts

If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep.

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

The best vitamin for making friends....B1.

The 10 commandments are not multiple choices.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Minds are like parachutes.. .they function only when open.

Ideas won't work unless YOU do.

One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

One who lacks the courage to start has already finished.

The heaviest thing to carry is a grudge.

Don't learn safety rules by accident.

We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.

Jumping to conclusions can be bad exercise.

A turtle makes progress when it sticks its head out.

One thing you can give and still keep your word.

A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



Tuesday, July 17, 2007



Monday, July 16, 2007

七月十六号, 陰

我知道我放不下一些事情,離不開傷心地 -不過我只是想要回 “友誼” 這麼簡單。



但是一日過一日,她一直願,一直望,一直等。 她還在一直等帶,勇敢的等…

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Audrey Hepburn's Poem

For attractive lips,
speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes,
seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure,
share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair,
let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.

For poise,
walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, even more than things,
have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed,
and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,
you will find one at the end of each of your arms.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"To be, or not to be."

Many have thought that 'not to be' means to dies. People equate 'not to be' with action: taking up arms and vengeance (Hamlet against his uncle, who murdered his father). So if 'not to be' meant to die, then death would have the name of action on its side, when surely that title belongs to life. Instead, 'not to be' has the double meaning of 'to seem'.

Hamlet says:
"Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not seems."

Denmark is rotten - everyone ought to be mourning for Hamlet's father, especially his mother. Hamlet ought to be king. Instead, the country is celebrating his mother's marriage to his loathsome uncle, who has assumed the throne. The feigning of grief, the seeming, the wearing of black by people who can't wait to feast at the marriage tables - these galled Hamlet. He wants no part of such a world. He won't pretend. He refuses to seem. He is.

Then he learns of his father's murder, and he vows revenge. But from that point on, he enters the world of seeming. His first step is to pretend to be mad, weeps at a play etc.. He has fallen into the domain of playing, of seeming.

For Hamlet, "To be, or not to be" isn't "to be, or not to exist." It's "to be, or to seem"; that's the decision he has to make.
To seem is to act - to feign, to play a part. Not to be is to seem, and to seem is to act. To be, therefore, is not to act. Thus his paralysis.

All action is acting, all performing is performance. To design means to plan, but also to deceive. To fabricate is to make with skill, but also to deceive. Art means deception. Craft - deception. There is no escaping it. If we would play a part in the world, we must act.

- The Interpretation of Murder, by Jed Rubenfeld

14 July 2007

Never been a reader or supporter of blogs or blogging. But now that I have time on my hands, and would like to learn more from my Adobe CS3, thought it not a bad idea to try dumping my "creations" on a blog.

Not sure who would read this, but it doesn't matter. Would share some works and stuff.

Support if you want, don't if you don't like. Just hope you can respect me. Thanks.